Thinking of joining us?

Safeguarding Network offers several types of membership to suit different needs, pick the one that suits your needs the best.

Safeguarding Network passionately believe that our students should have the very best opportunities and that the staff that support them should have the very best type of support. Safeguarding Network continue to develop, improve and continue to want to do different things, this is why I would recommend them.”

Emma Ruffinato – Head of people and organisation development at CORE Education Trust

We take Keeping Children Safe in Education, Working Together and other guidance and produce bite-size resources to support your work. Tens of thousands of staff complete our Keeping Children Safe in Education knowledge check to ensure they have not only read, but understand and can apply the guidance.

Our Enhanced Plus package offers a named Safeguarding Partner to work with your setting with structured tools to develop culture, review practice and reflect on the impact of safeguarding in your setting.

Join Safeguarding Network today for immediate access to the full range of resources to support you, your setting and your children & young people, or contact us for a virtual ‘showaround’ of our our resources.



Regular bulletins

Webinars on hot topics

£109+VAT per term

Regular bulletins

Webinars on hot topics

Bitesize staff training packs

Early access to our Safeguarding Insights

Scenarios to run with your team

Heavily discounted online learning

Training discounts

Initial safeguarding advice

KCSiE implementation tool

KCSiE discounted staff knowledge checker

KCSiE staff PowerPoint

Discounts on places at our annual safeguarding conference
INSET training pack

£597+VAT per annum

Enhanced £597+VAT p/a

Everything you get with Essential plus:

  • Interactive tools to reflect on your safeguarding culture


Enhanced Plus £797+VAT p/a

Everything you get with Enhanced and:

  • Named Safeguarding Consultant to support bespoke review process
  • Opportunity to achieve Safeguarding Network reviewed status
  • Authority to use Safeguarding Network logo on your materials / policies / website
Get a personalised

Everything you get with Enhanced plus:


External supervision

Unlimited e-learning

Internal investigation

Training – delivered on-site or online

On-site audit


Become a member

Why Safeguarding Network?

Safeguarding Network was designed with and for DSLs to build confidence in your staff and make a difference in the lives of the children and young people you work with.

2-year curriculum covering every area in KCSiE ensuring that your staff are regularly updated.
A 15-20 minute PowerPoint presentation on each subject for your setting with trainer notes to guide you through the delivery.
Handout for each subject covering what it is, what to look for and what to do.
Quizzes on each subject to check that staff have understood what they have been taught.
Over 80 detailed scenarios to test staff knowledge in practice with information sheets for DSLs to show what we thought.
Low cost elearning from 99p+VAT per person on specific topics, our level two course at a members’ price of £9+VAT.
A Keeping Children Safe in Education Knowledge check (99p+VAT) with certificates for staff .
Every member of your school has a learning profile and you can use this to record, track and manage their progress.
Initial advice and consultancy from our specialist safeguarding team.


Become a member

Trusted by over 1,000 organisations across education, early years and care sectors, Safeguarding Network uses their substantial experience to help you ensure that children and young people are safe in your setting.


Still not sure?

We are more than happy to answer any questions you may have.

Contact us to arrange a call back or a virtual ‘show around’ of the site.